Saturday, January 1, 2022

My "far left" values

 I have been accused by a few of having "far left" values.  These are a few of the policies I support:

  • Free health care for everybody;
  • Millionaires and billionaires should pay fair tax;
  • Monetary and fiscal policies should target low unemployment, not just low inflation;
  • There should be excellent, free government schools, as there are in, say, Finland;
  • We need to cut emissions fast, and not just rely on hopium;
  • There should be a decent safety net for our poorest fellow citizens;
  • Equal rights for all.

It doesn't strike me that these are even particularly left-wing.  And most people want something similar.  Which is why the Right has to make up lies about it, while using culture wars to drum up their votes.

A cartoon by Tom Toles

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