Thursday, May 23, 2024

California reaches 100% renewables

I think I might have mentioned that, in Australia, the State of South Australia is showing the world how to move towards a 100% renewables grid, with wind and solar in the State frequently exceeding 100% of demand.  California, which is a 20 times larger economy, is also showing the same thing. 

Both economies are located in the mid-latitude sunbelt.  High latitude economies without hydro might struggle to reach these figures.

From a toot by Renewable Energy.  (Read the comments and replies, which are interesting)

Truly amazing record run of renewable energy carrying 100% of California’s grid for portions of the day:

43 straight days — and 67 out of 73 days — where clean energy exceeded 100% of demand.

5th largest economy on the world, 39 million people and over a million EVs on the road here.

Right now renewables are producing 103% of demand and it’s 3:30pm here. It’s just amazing and should bring immense hope around the world!

Note: "hybrids" means generators with two or more power sources,
such as, for example, combined wind and solar on the same site.
Also, exports to neighbouring States are not shown in the chart.

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