Tuesday, December 19, 2023

1.5 degrees to be reached 11 years sooner

 From a toot by Professor Christopher May

The shortcomings of the COP series of meetings (and the failure of #ParisAgreement) have contributed to a shortening of the time by which we will reach 1.5c eleven years earlier.

So once we all got behind the Paris Agreements agenda on the #climatecrisis, things actually got worse.

I've said this before, but in the future (as our descendants grapple with #climatechange & its social disruption), our children's children will curse our political leaders for their lack of leadership & action(s)

The trend rate of increase in global prices has accelerated.
As it happens, we have already reached 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial temperatures,
if only temporarily (?)

And still we do too little to avert catastrophe.

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