Monday, March 2, 2020

Starship SN1 fails

The two previous pressurised tank tests ended in the tanks disintegrating.  But they were planned, tests to show where the flaws were.  This latest event wasn't.

Source: BocaChicaGal via Teslerati

Read Teslerati's account here.

Does this throw out the Mars timetable?  If this means that Starship can't be built out of stainless steel, then emphatically yes.  If they just have to hone their welding techniques then prob'ly not. 

The risk was always that the stainless steel construction technique might fail.  It was completely new, and SpaceX wants to have a sturdy design which is also light.  SpaceX is learning fast, and its method of test to destruction, then fix and improve, can give the impression that the company is incompetent.    It isn't.  But stainless steel construction has never been tried before and it might not work.

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