Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Oz's per capita CO2 emissions highest in OECD

The current right-wing denialist government in Australia argues that we cannot possibly influence global CO₂ emissions because our (direct) emissions are just 1.3% of the world's total.  This argument is fallacious—(a) we are among the world's largest exporters of fossil fuels, and (b) we could help push big carbon emitters to do something meaningful about cutting their emissions if we cared.  Nearly half of all CO₂ emitted comes from countries which individually emit less than 1.5% of global emissions.  Just because we're at 1.4% doesn't make us blameless.  Developed country emissions need to fall by at least 4% a year if we are to stop global temperatures by rising by more than 3 degrees C.

As it happens, we are also the largest per capita CO₂ emitter in the OECD, higher even than the USA and Canada.  And we have one of the highest standard of living in the world.  If we can't cut our emissions (and they're rising) how can we possibly ask China, far from having out per capita GDP,  to cut hers?

Meanwhile, Oz is suffering from a record drought across most of the east, record early start to the bushfire season, dry river beds and mega fish deaths, towns running out of water, and still our government refuses to act.   Except to try and make climate protests punishable by severe prison sentences.  In Tasmania, the right-wing government there wants to make environmental protests punishable by 21 years in jail, as severe a penalty as can be imposed for murder.

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