Thursday, October 12, 2023

Gobsmackingly bananas

 In September, global temperatures charts went off the scale


The BBC:

From Denis Gilbert

Berkeley Earth report:

The following is a summary of global temperature conditions in Berkeley Earth’s analysis of September 2023.

  • Globally, September 2023 was the warmest September — and the largest monthly anomaly of any month — since records began in 1850.
  • The previous record for warmest September was broken by 0.5 °C (0.9 °F), a staggeringly large margin.
  • Both land and ocean individually also set new records for the warmest September.
  • The extra warmth added since August occurred primarily in polar regions, especially Antarctica.
  • Antarctic sea ice set a new record for lowest seasonal maximum extent.
  • Record warmth in 2023 is primarily a combined effect of global warming and a strengthening El Niño, but natural variability and other factors have also contributed.
  • Particularly warm conditions occurred in the North Atlantic, Eastern Equatorial Pacific, South America, Central America, Europe, parts of Africa and the Middle East, Japan, and Antarctica.
  • 77 countries, mostly in Europe and the tropics, set new monthly average records for September.
  • El Niño continues to strengthen and is expected to continue into next year.
  • 2023 is now virtually certain to become a new record warm year (>99% chance).
  • 2023 is very likely (90% chance) to average more than 1.5 °C above our 1850-1900 baseline.

Yet still we dither and phaff, instead of moving aggressively to slash emissions.  Our politicians continue to accept bribes from fossil fuel companies.  Voters continues to let them do so.

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