Sunday, June 18, 2023

The wealthiest 10% produce half of world's emissions

 From a toot by Sheril Kirshenbaum

The wealthiest 10% are responsible for 1/2 of global CO2 emissions. #climatechange

Now, remember, if you are seeing this, you probably belong to the top 10% globally.    For example, the average fridge produces 89 kilos of carbon emissions a year.  You have a fridge in your house, right?  Malawi's TOTAL per capita emissions are roughly 100 kg per capita per year, about the same as a fridge.   By comparison, Australia's per capita emissions are 15.3 tonnes per year, 150 times Malawi's.  150 times!

The typical petrol car emits 4.6 tonnes per annum.  If you drive 250 miles (400 kilometres) you'll emit as much carbon as the average Malawian does in a year.

You might find this inequality calculator interesting.  For what it's worth, I am in the bottom 1/3rd of my country's income distribution, but definitely in the top 10% of global income.

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