Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Record hot El Niño

 From a tweet by Professor Eliot Jacobson


The Australian Bureau of Meteorology has had both the most extreme and most accurate forecasts of the developing El Niño. But this forecast, just released, is so extreme it's hard to believe I'm seeing it.

3.0°C by October.  

3.2°C by November.



And to get an idea of just how massive the developing El Niño could be, the previous record high super El Niño peaked at 2.6°C in November/December of 2015. The 1997 El Niño peaked at 2.4°C. And this one is now modelled by the BoM to break 3.0°C.

(NOAA data

This virtually guarantees that the world will pass the 1.5 degree threshold.

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