Sunday, May 28, 2023

Big project cost overruns

 We all know how often big projects end up costing much, much more than the original plans.  But how much more?  

This toot from Kees van der Leun  references a study which has actually measured this.   Fascinating.

Average cost overrun for new power plants:
Nuclear 120%
Hydro dams 75%
Fossil 16%
Wind 13%
Solar 1%

The table is from p. 192 in How Big Things Get Done.-done-book

Via author @bentflyvberg on the birdsite.

Click on graphic to see clearer image

 Nuclear reactors usually end up costing 2 to 3 times as much as they were supposed to, rail projects 1.4 to twice as much, and so it goes.    the book looks really interesting.

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