Saturday, June 4, 2022

China EV sales booming

 From CleanTechnica

Plugin vehicles continue to be all the rage in the Chinese auto market. Despite the overall market being completely disrupted by Covid lockdowns (-43% year over year), plugins scored over 260,000 registrations in April, up 61% year over year (YoY).

Share-wise, with April showing another great performance, plugin vehicles hit 29% market share! Full electrics (BEVs) alone accounted for 22% of the country’s auto sales! This pulled the 2022 share to 22% (17% BEV).

If electrification continues at this pace, this market will be BEV-based by 2025! Imagine that: the largest automotive market in the world being BEV-based in three years time!

Another measure of the importance of this market is the fact that China alone represented over half of global plugin registrations last month.

China manufactures and consumes roughly 30% of the world's cars, in a normal year, anyway. 

I've started collecting EV/PHEV sales for China.  I had previous source, a presentation by Prof Ray Wills, but I was unable to find updates.  However, CleanTechnica has been producing EV sales stats for a while now, so, with a bit of work, I managed to get monthly data back to when Ray Wills' data ended.  The data are not identical, as you can see on the chart below.  Note that the chart is a log scale. In early 2014, EV/PHEV sales in China were around 4000 a month.  Now they are around 500,000 a month. José Pontes's estimate that 100% of car sales in China will be EVs/PHEVs in 2025 seems reasonable, although China is removing the remaining financial incentives to buy EVs next year.


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