Thursday, September 2, 2021

Pro-Trump counties have triple the death toll of pro-Biden ones

 From Raw Story

MSNBC's Chris Hayes on Wednesday reported on the higher death toll in the most Republican counties vs the most Democratic ones.

Hayes pointed to a new report that was published by data journalist Christopher Ingraham under the headline, "GOP COVID policy is killing GOP voters".

Ingraham's data showed that in counties where Trump received less than 20% of the vote, the death toll in August was 4.89 per 100,000 residents. However, in counties where Trump received more than 80% of the vote, the death toll was 14.89 per 100,000.

"That is more than three times as many people dying from COVID as in those most, pro-Biden counties," Hayes said.

Hayes says the data gives "some real empirical weight to the evidence we've seen, for months and months and months, that the delta wave is wreaking havoc disproportionately in red America."

Hayes noted that with vaccines, the deaths were "largely preventable."

"It is happening because the agenda of the Trump, MAGA, Republican Party has been, by-and-large, to ignore the risks of COVID, refuse to protect yourselves, others from it, and when people die, it is 'freedom' or something," Hayes said.


Source: GOP Covid policy is killing GOP voters

Who is to blame for this?  Individuals must take some of the blame.  The evidence has been clear.  On the other hand, most of them watch Fox News, which has consistently downplayed Covid, screeched about mask mandates, and spread fatal misinformation about the vaccines.  And of course, the Republican Party,  which has demonised all attempts to reduce the threat of Covid.

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