Monday, June 29, 2020

Nuclear costs out of control

Here's a beaut chart of the exploding costs and ever lengthening construction times of Flamanville, a new nuclear power station in France.  The chart is from a Twitter thread by Kees van der Leun/Michael Liebreich.

Great chart of ballooning costs and delays of France's only new nuclear power plant. In 2007, it was going to take 4.5 years to complete. The closest it ever got was a decade later: in 2017, it was only going to cost one more year. But then it started to move further away again.
However wonderful nuclear power might be, we can't wait 15 years (more like 20 from the start of planning and design) for solutions to the climate crisis.  We can buy solar and batteries off the shelf and build solar farms with 4 hours of storage within 2 years from start to commissioning.

A similar postponement of completion times has happened with the new Finnish reactor.  As each year went by, the completion date was postponed by another year.  Superb.

viralliset ennusteet=official forecasts
ultimaattinen ennuste=ultimate forecast

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