Sunday, March 15, 2020

UK: renewables now largest electricity source

From Edie:

The UK's electricity generation from renewable sources surpassed generation from gas for the first time since records began during the third quarter of 2019, the latest Government figures have shown.

In its latest renewables update, covering July-September 2019, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) reveals that renewable electricity generation during the period was 28.8TWh, compared to 28.6TWh for gas.

The update states that 28.8TWh was equivalent to 38.9% of generation during the quarter – the highest generation proportion secured by renewables on record. Wind alone comprised 19% of generation during the quarter.

BEIS attributes the success of renewable generation during this period to increased load factors and generation capacity for wind, taking into account both seasonal weather and the initial investments compounded by the Offshore Wind Sector Deal.

Onshore wind experienced a 24% quarter-on-quarter increase in generation and offshore wind saw a 43% increase within the same metrics.

The state of South Australia has achieved 50% renewables penetration, Germany is at 43%, and the UK is approaching 40%.  More and more examples show that it can be done, that it is far from impossible.   Which is just as well, because we have to slash global CO2 and methane emissions by 50% by 2035.  The paths that the UK, Germany and South Australia have followed will be those that other countries have to follow too. 

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