Friday, October 11, 2024

2 years for throwing soup

 From Just Stop Oil

Two Just Stop Oil supporters who threw tomato soup over Van Gogh’s Sunflowers have been sentenced to prison terms of up to 2 years by Judge Christopher Hehir at Southwark Crown Court today. 

Phoebe Plummer was jailed for 2 years for the soup throwing plus 3 months for a S7 offence, while Anna Holland received a prison sentence of 20 months. They are also subject to 3 year Criminal Behaviour Orders and are expected to serve at least half of their sentences in custody.

In July, Phoebe and Anna were found guilty of causing criminal damage exceeding £5,000 after they threw tins of tomato soup over Vincent van Gogh’s “Sunflowers” painting at the National Gallery in October 2022, although the painting was protected by glass and was unharmed. Judge Hehir preemptively dismissed all legal defences—including the defence of ‘proportionality’ and their Article 10 rights under the Human Rights Act 1998—without hearing any evidence from either side. 

In his sentencing remarks, Judge Hehir said:  “Your culpability is at level A. You did reconnaissance and planning and talked to a journalist. Your harm is at category 1, which means extreme harm to society.”

He indicated that conscience was not a mitigating factor and that “The action you took was extreme, disproportionate and criminally idiotic given the risks involved”. He continued  “There is nothing peaceful or nonviolent about throwing soup. Throwing soup in someone’s face is violent.” 

Addressing Phoebe he said “You think your beliefs entitle you to do anything. I was treated to a lengthy exposition to your political views. The suggestion that you and others like you in a democracy are political prisoners is ludicrous, offensive and idiotic. You have no remorse and you are proud.

Addressing Anna he said “What you have done has had a substantial impact on your family, you’re a good student. I’ve anxiously considered all of this.”

Speaking before the sentencing Anna Holland said: 

“We do not expect justice from a broken system that has been corrupted by its dependence on fossil fuels. Prison sentences, no matter how long, will not deter us. We will not stop calling for an end to all extraction and burning of fossil fuels; if Keir Starmer wants to prove that he is a better Prime Minister than the last six Tory Prime Ministers, he will hear these calls and act upon them.”

Remarkable.  "Throwing soup in someone's face is violent".   But they didn't.   "Extreme harm to society".  What?????  Meanwhile, oil companies get a free pass, as they fund denialist stink tanks, right-wing politicians, and are sanitised by greenwashing publicists.  

 Despite all the talk by politicians and chief executives, despite their proud net-zero commitments, they do not in fact want to take any effective action to stop carbon/methane emissions.  Instead, they want to criminalise opposition to fossil fuels.  Pipeline protests, "slow marching", even just unfurling a banner---these are now criminal activities.  Just like China, eh?

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