Sunday, April 3, 2022

Emissions back at 2019 levels

 From a tweet by Glen Peters, research director at Cicero.

Our latest estimate for fossil CO₂ emissions in 2021 is for 5.5% growth, which puts 2021 emissions on par with 2019 emissions, given uncertainties.

Since oil demand remains will below 2019 levels, it is likely emissions will grow again in 2022.

The Paris Climate Agreement was in 2015.  Since then, emissions have risen instead of falling.  Some progress has been made, for example, the percentage of electricity from wind and solar has doubled.  EVs have gone from 1% of global car sales to 10%.  But it's not enough.  To avoid temeratures rising by more than 1.5 degrees C, we have to halve emissions over the next 10 years, which means they must fall by 5% a year --- and that's not happening.

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