Friday, April 28, 2023

World CO2 emissions per capita vs % renewables

 An interesting chart (hat tip to Dan Neuman on Mastodon) from Our World In Data

Click on chart to get a clearer image

Observe how there is a broad negative correlation, which is what you'd expect.  But there are some outliers.  The dot at ~70% renewables and ~15 tonnes per capita is Canada.  Its high level of emissions is due to oil and gas production (just extracting oil and gas produces a heap of emissions, even before they are burnt); to transport; and to heating buildings.   So even though it generates ~70% of its electricity from renewables (hydro) it still has high emissions per capita.  

The aim of every country should be to migrate towards the bottom right-hand corner, where all its electricity comes from renewables, and its emissions are close to zero.  Because emissions for transport are a third dimension, accounting for some of the variation to either side of the implied regression line, replacing cars and lorries with EVs is also necessary.  

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