Sunday, December 4, 2022

31% of China's car sales now plug-in

 From CleanTechnica

Full electric cars accounted for 22% of new car sales in the Chinese market last month!

Plugin vehicles continue to be all the rage in the Chinese auto market. They grew 75% year over year (YoY) in October. They scored over 578,000 registrations last month, their second best month ever, only behind last September when they hit 636,000 registrations. Plugin hybrids (PHEVs) surged 143% year over year (YoY). They reached 168,000 registrations in October, which is their fifth sixth record month in row. It seems the Chinese version of PHEVs, with an average of 30+ kWh batteries, has struck a chord with buyers. As for BEVs, they grew a “paltry” 57% … to 410,000 units. In just one month.

Share-wise, plugin vehicles hit 31% market share in October. Full electrics (BEVs) alone accounted for 22% of the country’s auto sales last month! These brilliant results kept the 2022 share at 29% plugins and 22% BEVs.

If electrification continues at this pace, expect the plugin share to be at some 45% in a year from now, with BEVs owning one third (33%) of the Chinese market!

And expect BEVs to cross the 50% share threshold by 2025! Imagine that: the largest automotive market in the world being BEV-based in three years time!

Another measure of the importance of this market is the fact that China alone represented over half of global plugin registrations last month.

BEV = EV. China makes up about 1/3 by volume of the global car market.   PHEVs (plug-in hybrids) cut your emissions by about 80% on average, compared to the 40-50% cut from ordinary hybrids (provided you do in fact charge them up), so they are often included with full EVs.  And remember, this is happening in an economy struggling with repeated severe COVID lockdowns.

Observe log scale!  In early 2014, China's EV/PHEV sales were around 3,500 per month.
They are now ±600,000 per month.  5 triplings in 8 years!

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