Sunday, June 26, 2022

French nuclear under threat from global heating

 From ClimateCrocks

In France, much vaunted nuclear capacity has been hit by the discovery of widespread corrosion problems in critical systems, and many plants have been shut for repairs. Now as summer arrives, the rivers relied on for cooling the massive, inefficient systems have warmed rapidly, further derating reactors. 
Across the planet, climate impacts are putting more pressure on energy generators.

New York Times:

Inspections unearthed alarming safety issues — especially corrosion and faulty welding seals on crucial systems used to cool a reactor’s radioactive core. That was the situation at the Chinon atomic plant, one of France’s oldest, which produces 6 percent of EDF’s nuclear power.

EDF is now scouring all its nuclear facilities for such problems. A dozen reactors will stay disconnected for corrosion inspections or repairs that could take months or years. Another 16 remain offline for reviews and upgrades.

Others are having to cut power production because of climate change concerns: Rivers in the south of France, including the Rhône and the Gironde, are warming earlier each year, often reaching temperatures in the spring and summer too warm to cool reactors.

Today, French nuclear production is at its lowest level since 1993, generating less than half the 61.4 gigawatts that the fleet is capable of producing. (EDF also generates electricity with renewable technologies, gas and coal.) Even if some reactors resume in the summer, French nuclear output will be 25 percent lower than usual this winter — with alarming consequences.

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