Thursday, April 21, 2022

German public supports immediate Russian oil & gas boycott

 From a Twitter thread by Anders Östlund

What's holding Germany back from cutting its ties to Russia? My speculation is that there are currently four old men who are playing key parts in German Russia policy. Gerhard Schröder, Frank Walter Steinmeier, Sigmar Gabriel and Olaf Scholz.

Germany's position, inaction and obstruction is putting enormous values at stake. The most obvious is Ukrainian lives but also western ideals, European security, global business and, not the least, Germany's own reputation as a western democracy and reliable ally is at stake.

German democracy must be questioned if a small group of old men can control a party, which control the government, that represent the country, that in turn can veto decisions of the European Union while the German citizens at the same time support other policies.

My translation
Heading: "Immediate boycott of Russian Gas and Oil.  Numbers in percent"
Left half of grphic: "Change in percentage points: 50 (+6) yes; 42 (-3 ) No"
Right half: "Party supporters";"would support" on left; "would not support" on right
FDP and AfD are small parties; AfD is a far-right party.

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