Friday, September 3, 2021

Indian Railways to go 100% green by 2030

From PV Magazine

Indian Railways—the nation’s largest electricity consumer, with 2.4% of total consumption, and the third largest high-speed diesel user, with 2.6 billion liters consumed annually—has solarised more than 960 stations till date as it aims to become a net-zero carbon emitter before 2030. Orders have been placed for 198 MW solar rooftop capacity for 550 stations, which is under execution.

Indian Railways plans to install an [additional]  20 GW solar capacity over its vacant land as it aims to meet all of its energy needs of more than 33 billion units [kWh] by 2030 through solar power. The current annual requirement is about 20 billion units.

“About 51,000-hectare vacant land is available with Indian Railways, and it is now ready to extend all support to the developers for installing solar power plants on Railway’s vacant un-encroached land”—read a statement by the Railways ministry.

It may be noted that Railways is also set to achieve 100% electrification by the year 2023 and is committed to utilize solar energy for meeting its traction power requirement.

India produces ± 7% of global CO2 emissions.  Emissions fell last year, but will have rebounded this year. 

Annual change in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in India from 1982 to 2020 (in million tonnes)
Source: Statista


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