Monday, January 18, 2021

Renewables are the cheapest

Even including the cost of storage and new HVDC lines to reduce variability by connecting geographically separate generation.

 From RenewEconomy:

Wind and solar will continue to be the cheapest sources of new electricity generation in Australia for the foreseeable future, even when the cost of storage and new network infrastructure is taken into account, the latest CSIRO GenCost report has found.

The latest assessment shows wind and solar continue to deliver the cheapest sources of new electricity generation capacity – with each maintaining that ranking in 2030 even when new transmission network infrastructure and energy storage are taken into account.

The GenCost assessment – which is done in conjunction with the Australian Energy Market Operator – estimates that the levelised cost of new wind and solar projects will likely fall below $50 per MWh in the near future.

It estimates that the additional costs of new network infrastructure and energy storage would add – at most – a further $29 per MWh to energy costs, even under a scenario with as much as 90 per cent renewable energy penetration. In virtually all scenarios, the combined costs of renewables, storage and networks would still come in cheaper than new build gas or coal generation.

There is no longer any excuse for the Right to talk about the "sacrifices needed" to switch to renewables.  Switching to renewables will cut the cost of electricity and raise living standards.

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