Wednesday, April 27, 2022

15 European countries have 15%+ plug in sales

 From CleanTechnica

X-axis shows number of years after plug-in mkt share reaches 2%

There are now 15 European countries that have 15% or more of new-car buyers buying plugin electric cars (full electric cars or plugin hybrids). There are 12 European countries that have 10% or more of new-car buyers buying full electric vehicles (BEVs). China also passed those milestones in 2021 (15% plugin vehicle share and 12% BEV share). Let’s look a little closer at these trends in electric car sales in each of these markets. But first …

Note that the centerpieces of this article are interactive charts that are only available on CleanTechnica Pro. (Direct link to article here.) Also, note that those charts are much easier to view and interact with on a normal computer rather than a mobile phone. (The screen of a phone is just too small.)

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