Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Driving on sunshine


From CleanTechnica

France has just announced in [its new] climate bill that 30% of the surface of new commercial and industrial buildings will have to be solarized starting on January 1, 2023 — a year and a half from now. Those solar panels will power a lot of electric vehicles, but they won’t be the only ones in a wave of new solar power capacity. Parking areas that surpass 500m² will have to solarize at least 50% of their surface area starting on January 1, 2024. That’s not the end, though. If there are carports, then the requirement is that 100% of the surface area be solarized.

These buildings and parking areas will begin more seriously moving the country into the cleantech era of not-burning-stuff. Meanwhile, in June, 16% of new automobile sales in France were smart plugin vehicle sales. Electric vehicle adoption will keep growing. Eventually, perhaps millions of French drivers will be happily driving electric cars powered by sunshine generated from the roofs of these buildings.

Solar permits are supposed to be streamlined as well, according to the new law, allowing solar power projects to more quickly be put on top of landfills and in coastal areas.

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